Implementation – Essential

Masonic Websites – Implementation

1 Step 1
Masonic Websites – Essential
Basic Information
Lodge Name
Address – Full address including postcode
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Contact Phone Number
Upload your Lodge Crest ideally as an eps, vector pdf or ai, if not, as a jpg or png (min size 250px x 250px)
Lodge CrestMinimun size 250px x 250px
cloud_uploadUpload Lodge Crest
Domain name/web address
Is your domain name already registered?
Meeting Dates eg. Last Thursday of Jan, Feb Mar, Sep, Oct, Dec at 18:00
Craft Meetings
Craft Dinners
Lodge of Instruction
Standing Committee Meeting
Officers Nights
Lodge History
Lodge history including; When and where founded; who by; reasons for formation; date of consecration; notable events in the Lodge history; notable members and achievements; what makes the Lodge unique and special
The file must be a Microsoft Word Document
cloud_uploadUpload Lodge History
Upload a photo of your Lodge Banner as a jpg or png (min size 480px x 640px)
Lodge BannerMinimun size 250px x 250px
cloud_uploadUpload Lodge Banner photo
Photos for use on the site
Upload 3 or 4 photographs of masonic or charitable activity. Please upload full size, uncropped photos.
Lodge BannerMinimun size 250px x 250px
cloud_uploadUpload masonic or charitable photos
Please provide a description of each of the uploaded photosmore details
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FormCraft - WordPress form builder

Customising your Website

To enable us to build your website and populate it with your content, please provide us with all of the information required using the form.

Your Crest should ideally be an EPS, vector PDF or Abobe Illustrator file – if not a JPG or PNG.

Photos should be either JPG file or PNG files.

Please provide your Lodge history as a Microsoft Word document.

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